
Constitutional Values, Fundamental Duties and Political system in India

  Constitutional Values: 1. Definition of Constitutional Values: Constitutional values are the foundational principles or ideals embedded in a country's constitution that guide governance, lawmaking, and the relationship between the state and its citizens. They reflect the core philosophy and principles the constitution seeks to uphold in society. 2. Key Constitutional Values: Democracy: Democracy emphasizes the rule of the people, where citizens have the right to participate in governance through elections and representation. It ensures that the government is accountable to the people. Example: Free and fair elections, Universal suffrage. Rule of Law: The rule of law asserts that every individual, including the government, is subject to and accountable under the law. No one is above the law and must be applied fairly. Example: Judicial review, equal protection under the law. Justice: The concept of justi...

A Historical Perspective and Analysis of India’s 2024-2025 Interim Budget

History: - The first use of the word ‘ Budget ’ probably referred to this financial statement from the part of Robert Walpole who was the first British Prime Minister and first Chancellor of the Exchequer. Robert Walpole led the government of Great Britain for more than twenty years from 1721.                                  Robert Walpole (Source -  Portrait by  Jean-Baptiste van Loo , 1740 ) During British Rule, The Budget was first presented in India on 7 April 1860 from the East-India Company to the British Crown. James Wilson presented the first Indian Budget on the 18th of February 1869. Mr. Wilson served as the Finance Member of the India Council which was the advisory body to the Indian Viceroy. The first ever Union Budget of Independent India was introduced by the first ever Finance Minister of Independent India Sir R. K. Shanmugham Chetty on November 26, 1947. Most n...